omg. can you see the building. the haze is getting worse!
tym to blog. seriously speaking. i hate external. of bcos of tat lecturer. nth much.
the bus journey to parkway and back to sun tec was fun. cos i was with mr butt. he is funny la. haa. someone farted on the bus. so smelly! haa. had fun with rid at the library. i want everything back! nothing much. work was fun with tat crazy sham and deedat. cool. haa. time for bed. tmrw will be in the morning.
i told sham i want off during dec or jan! den he say must see first. cos it will be end season sale. so i told him maybe during that tym i tender alrdy but you know wad he say to me. tats no way you wun be here. i don wan you to miss us. haa. he's hinting tat i cant quit. somemore he ask me be full timer and i gave me a BIG BIG NO! haa. den he say not now la. after i finish school. we shall see.
quite a number of ppl ask me why i am still wrking at topshop whereby the pay is quite low. pay its not the main thing. the main concern is the enviroment and the ppl. they made me learn of lots of new thing and made me see wad the real world is like. ya. maybe i tot of tendering due to tireness. but i shall endure! =D
not going to my dearie shijia bbq=( cos i got tons of hmwrk waiting for me. darn. tym for bed. goodnight ppl!
huiying adore mygirlfriends,alicia,shijia,butt,pi gu and rid. maybe my dearesr tssc 0496. haa.
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